Heilman Architecture is currently designing a private High school scheduled to open next year in central Florida.
Chabad of South Orlando
by Bob Heilman
We’re finishing up CDs for the addition to the Chabad of South Orlando. Exciting project for 2022!
Rosen JCC South Orlando tour
by Bob Heilman
The Rosen JCC Orlando has a great visualization tool to tour the building. Checkout the design that is ready for many types of events.
Trinity lakes is under construction
by Bob Heilman
Secret Projects… what?
by Bob Heilman
What do we do when we’re itching to show off projects on the board that are still confidential? We show a sneak peek!
With permission of our clients, we can tell you that our office is actively working on an urban mixed use project in Orlando.
Tight site
by Bob Heilman
We’re working on a site with very little room but incredible views. The setbacks squished us up 3-stories to fit it all on the postage stamp site. The living spaces are all oriented to the easterly sunrise view.
Pop House
by Bob Heilman
here’s a fun, kitschy modern house with a lively porch that has a sliver view of the ocean
Rosen College of Hospitality Management at UCF is expanding
by Bob Heilman
The 40,000 SF 2-story building will be funded by private donations and the Harris Rosen Foundation and will honors the life and legacy of Adam Michael Rosen who passed away from brain cancer. The building program includes student meeting and education spaces as well as offices for faculty and staff.